Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just 10 mins...

What a cute day!

10 minutes really change a lot.

I ask mum to take extra 10 mins to dress up nicely, and we were 10 mins late for "THOR" movie.

Just because of the 10 mins late, and we watched another movie.

10 mins late again we entered the movie, was expecting it would be an awesome movie.

Who knows the first 10 mins and we realised that the movie is sucks!

There goes my 10 mins, another 10 mins, and many many more 10 mins....

I rather never watch movie today than watching a movie that is very very very meaningless.

Whatever it is, I earned a lesson.

10 mins earlier no matter what I am going to do in the future. =)

Some pictures about THOR that makes me keep laughing and I would like to share with you all....

(Retrieved from Google)

May all of you enjoy the night. Good night and sweet dream! *-*

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